Spray on siding, now peeling off of a house in Grafton VA. Super light bulbs standing dormant in a Whitman MA kitchen light fixture. German made shammy's that seem more waterproof than absorbent in Peoria IL. The unbreakable comb in every junk drawer on earth. What do these things all share in common? They all sport a "Lifetime Guarantee or your Money Back".
The real commonality in these things is simple, the parent company hopes you won't bother to call them on their promise when their product (hereafter referred to as "shit") breaks; or they will be out of business by the time you do. Believe.
I am to the point where I would rather buy something with a 60 second guarantee than a product toting a "promise" of a lifetime guarantee. That way I wouldn't feel like the receiving end of a Spanish Sled when the aforementioned shit takes it's terminal dump in the middle of "guaranteed" functionality.


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