A rare interview with Presidential Candidate Sepi
2012 Candidates Impromptu Interview from Bryan W. Stewart on Vimeo.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Comee Commee.." have you ever been told that someone could or would "crush your head before you reached the door?" No? Well I'm not going to keep this all to myself then. Oh and for those that may already know, the Sep™ sit back and relax, it's time to board the way back train.
The FBI Showed up, and it was Epic from Bryan W. Stewart on Vimeo.
One must refrain from "Making the Wrong Choice™" in some instances. I will be the first to admit that this prospect is hard to bear when you have been wronged. I often wonder what sort of story my ex has concocked and spoonfed my daughter. I am sure she has had questions. Why "I left". People that have made mistakes, and we all have, tend to try and color the picture in a way to make them "the good guy". The problem is that you cannot hide from the truth. Sure, you may think that by making up stories and bending the truth, somehow buys you another day of feeling ok about what happened, well. There does come a time when you run out of stories. A day when the truth will be known. I wonder what that day will be like? I am sure that my ex has convinced my daughter that her daddy "left her mommy, or her mommy left her daddy because he "kissed another girl"". It breaks my heart to think for a minute that my daughter would believe that. Ya see the truth is a lot different. Daddy actually tried to look away the times that mommy lied to him about things. Where the bank account went, where she was, the nights she never came home. How many affairs she had. Who what and why men called the house at all hours of the night. Why men were over the house when I was working to keep a roof over our heads. How the final straw was catching you in bed with another man. Oh I'm sure that you would like me to believe that it was somehow ok to have someone in our bed at 1:00am.
You may have left out the fact that when i kicked you out of the house, you had to go to the police three days later and claim that I hurt you. All of this because, your boyfriend's mother wouldn't let you stay there at her house. How that act almost got her Daddy put in jail. It was only a little lie, and besides, she has everything that she needs now.
You see though, I will be able to tell her, when she is old enough to handle the truth. Of course, you may think that it will be tough to prove this, you know after she has been spoonfed years of daddy-hate. Pesky thing about that trial, you didn't count on...trials are recorded and recordings are public record.
..and that $175.00(cost of court tapes) was the best investment I could have ever made. It really hurts me that someone could be that cold and calculating, but I do have advice for those Daddy's out there.
Stay strong for your kids, provide a positive Godly example, be there for your children, encourage them. Never ever speak badly of their mommy. I mean it, no matter what. Keep your cool.