Spray on siding, now peeling off of a house in Grafton VA. Super light bulbs standing dormant in a Whitman MA kitchen light fixture. German made shammy's that seem more waterproof than absorbent in Peoria IL. The unbreakable comb in every junk drawer on earth. What do these things all share in common? They all sport a "Lifetime Guarantee or your Money Back".
The real commonality in these things is simple, the parent company hopes you won't bother to call them on their promise when their product (hereafter referred to as "shit") breaks; or they will be out of business by the time you do. Believe.
I am to the point where I would rather buy something with a 60 second guarantee than a product toting a "promise" of a lifetime guarantee. That way I wouldn't feel like the receiving end of a Spanish Sled when the aforementioned shit takes it's terminal dump in the middle of "guaranteed" functionality.


Have you ever wondered why you even bother going through the motions of receiving a paycheck?

I too often wonder why. I mean lets consider. You slave through work in order to receive said paycheck. You get to temporarily see the check, or perhaps even hold it in your hand. No No, don't go getting carried away, because then you must go to that little bill basket that is holding the wall up in the front room. Soon you discover that all that money you thought you had, is purely a dream.

Sure, you may say that I am "squeeming" just a tad too loud. You may be right. after-all, I do have a nice home, with nice things, food on the table and cars in the driveway. All this costs. As does the monthly educational installments that are scheduled to conclude 6 months before the house is paid off.

Looks like there needs to be another blog posting about the cost of higher education in this country.


Happy Thanksgiving to all, I hope you had a good time and good food with family and friends. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks and a day to get together. A day that only carries on through the base concept of thanks and tradition. Speaking of tradition, has anyone seen the latest drivel in the form of a "Pro-Vegetarian" commercial that PETA has attempted (and failed) to get aired during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade?

If you see this commercial, you will be subjected to an impotent attempt to sway you and everyone else from eating turkey. In keeping with PETA’s common theme of misplaced effort, you won’t be disappointed; they haven’t strayed from it.

This time, you are invited to the Thanksgiving table of some random family, and a sweet little girl is saying grace. The girl gives a detailed list of thanks for the mistreatment of turkeys in turkey farms. The family members seated around the table gave looks of shame as the list of turkey mistreatment was rattled off by little Suzy.

Now I can’t speak for all Americans, but I will say this; I don’t agree with animal abuse. I don’t condone it, I don’t support it, and I certainly don’t take part in it. Does this mean I am going Vegan, certainly not.

Now my question to PETA is this? Did you expect America to watch that commercial on Thanksgiving Day and subsequently be moved to throw the turkey in the trash, and order up soy meatloaf au gratin for the family seated at my table?

Well done. Please pat yourself on the back, but first pass the gravy.